Save the Date for the Fourth Annual Short Shootout charity golf tournament & dinner. After a year of virtual events, we are excited to host the 2022 tournament on Saturday, July 16th at the Bobby Jones Golf Course in Atlanta, GA.
As in years past, all proceeds from the Shootout will be contributed to the Barber Breast Cancer Fund at Piedmont Healthcare Foundation. Dr. Bill Barber, noted breast cancer surgeon, has helped and continues to help countless people, including Lisa, in our community through their battles with cancer.
We hope that non-golfers will join us for a night of putting contests and a silent auction, as well as a post-tournament Dinner at Boone's Restaurant to celebrate Lisa's 60th!
Thank you for your friendship and continued support of the Short Shootout as we work towards our lifetime goal of $1M. We are looking forward to being together on July 16th!